Who says?

I cant express myself saying it exactly as it is?

Who says I should live my life scared?

If GODb4mi...Wu u fit b?

Ragga boi.

Ragga boi.
Bad guy somebori

Sunday, 27 September 2009

An Ode.

Exschnerd introduced me to blogsville.

I loved it.

Everyday after work, I would rush home just coz I wanted to blog, I would turn down dates cuz I wanted to come check up on CWB or Porter what de hell had Ubong written this time? and the Cunning Linguist? Naapali, Geisha?

Even at work I would sneak to blogsville, getting my fix, hiding so as not to get caught by my supervisor.

All that has changed.

I still love you blogsville, but I reckon its time to move on.

I realise that not everyone is as honest as they seem, I mean "why tell complete strangers everything right?" I realise that this is a portal for some to bare it all, I realise that this virtual family have been more family than some with whom we share blood.

together We been through the Tsunamis and the floods, the births and the deaths, the break ups and the marriages, the catfights and the all. friends I have made here, I will never trade. I thank you.

Thank you for loving me just the way i am.
for allowing me be myself through and through
for allowing me live out my fantasies
for allowing me be Bad.

Thank you for listening
for all the advice
for the tears
for the laughs

thank you for not giving me the fire in the pants award
for awarding it to that horrible Baroque.

thank you for always being there
for helping allay my fears.

Me thinks its time to move on.

I will miss you.

and Yes I DO LOVE YOU.


Saturday, 26 September 2009

Im not that sorry.

I woke up breathless

I hurt yet I wanted more

I couldnt, didnt believe what I had done, remorse? shame?

I screamed and shook and convulsed,I fumed.

hi6 you?

sadly neither.

hi6... I realise now that I DID love you, in my infinite stupidity You ... are a much better man

if I had to choose, I would choose YOU, sadly....

hi6, you make me laugh so hard all I want to do is twitter. you make me hurt so bad all I want to do is beat ya.

You are rude! yet I realise that is your way of being nice, you made me laugh (and Im still trying hard not to say thank you), I hadn't laughed that hard in so long, it was so unstrained... sadly.

ying or yang

lesser of two evils neither.

pure yet bad wrong yet sweet

the best thing I realise is to flee.


Its almost Goodbye Blogsville it has been a pleasure you deserve one more post, Ill call it the Ode.