Who says?

I cant express myself saying it exactly as it is?

Who says I should live my life scared?

If GODb4mi...Wu u fit b?

Ragga boi.

Ragga boi.
Bad guy somebori

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

All ye male bloggers.

I hereby declare that bloggers should start acting with sense and hooking up with female bloggers!

this is totally unfair!

how dare you be good looking and not tell us single sister bloggers? for the record I AM NOT YOUR SISTER.

unless ofcourse you are Naapali.

Okay shall I stop ranting and raving already you ask?

I met this really cute guy yesterday, trust me sharp girl wey no dey carry last I don fall in quick quick, as a sharp gal, start to dey follow the boy talk phonee, all the English wey dey my mouth. and as Rkelly talk am, Im a flirt!

ol boy, one Man dey wait me for left, another dey wait me for right, but noooo who was this cuuuute guy in blue, my fafrite color like Suliat said.

We talk for a bit, I have to go and I tell him as much.

ME: So its about time we ended the conversation

Him: okay guess we see some other time

Me: they didnt teach you well, if they taught you well you would have known that I meant lets continue this conversation in a bit?

Him: o! okay let me give you my card

Me: and mine

Him: lets go to my car to get my card

me: why dont you go get it so I get mine out as well.

he goes to his car, I wish I could say I go to mine but I just walked to my friends car to get my card out of my bag.


I know.

at that time, I had forgotten ALL OTHERS! may God forgive me my sins that are many, especially the sins of the flesh.

the boy was fyne! as in sexy with sexy shirt, eyes, voice, smile whats more, he seemed to be digging me. like my friend will say, May I not carry Last AMIN!

na so the boy come back o, we exchanged cards, he bounced, I did too. end of story or so I thought.

I got home and looked at the card... Tom OZAVESH smith...

Ozavesh ke?

what were the odds that...

e gba mi ooooooooooo!

could it be?.........


I picked up my fone sharp sharp

"Are you home yet?""I ask him

who is this he asks me

you were supposed to have been on your way home from spot x

HI Chic

okay I have a question for you...

Are you a blogger?


Are you the cunning linguist?


Are you a blogger he asks me


who are you?

Im not telling I say

needless to say at the end of the night, the boy found out I was the one and only Badderchic. sadly too cuz now he doesnt respect me anymore he has seen my yansh finish. lol

"eeeeeeeeeeee you were now making me talk plenty plenty english, If I had known it was you badderchic, I for no bother, all those things you wrote, did they really happen? ah! you are a bad girl..."and so the talk went on.

you male bloggers are wicked people, yes I said it. especially you the cunning linguist you are very very very wicked.

HOW DARE you be fine, single and sexy as fuck, and you dont think to be toasting female bloggers ehn? we are from different walks of life yet we are all so close, you know wussup and you are still forming?

tunda faya all of you!

the girls are vexing!

which kin boolsit is tis? Enigma fine but engaged okay no problem, Fineboyagbero fine but monkey, okay no problem, charizard Im older than you so gerraway! but Cunning linguist? NImmo, Jaja, Porter, Baroque, Jaguda the other male bloggers all of you RUBBISH!


I told you last night, Im saying it again, you are the one I have been waiting for you see all those other boys I blogged about well, that was just me being creative, they were all a figment of my imagination ( GOd will forgive me ) sweetheart I know you have seen my yansh finish but truth be told, I have equally seen yours. dont form for me o! because you told me last night that it has teyed that you have been shadowing me, scoping me, you were wondering why you hadnt just stepped since, you see if you had acted sharply alot of those previous posts wouldnt have come to life but it is alright, you can make it up to me, what did we say now? Brunch?

Cunning linguist, because you and I have have been virtual friends I will do you the favour of not making you join the queue, you have special reservations, what do you say cutie? you game?

what is it with me and all these bois sef? I like the soap i have been using to baf o!


bArOquE said...

oh men eh, this na open invitation oh...Ozaveshe oya, over to you

meanwhile, Tunda Faya Yu 2oo

but really, wetin we do you naa? if somebody said somwthing along those lines, i'm sure it would only have given you something to blog about...

anyway, now you have found...

~Sirius~ said...

What are the odds?.......
I need to see where this goes...........hmmm......does that mean you won't be able to put up posts and bitch in man trouble times? AAAh we don't want diluted gist oh! Abeg!
Ozavesh....Pls answer BChiC oh!

Anonymous said...

you don crase finish.
well i wish i could follow and beg them oh, but it is my fortunate lack of need that i am alright with it.
as in, imagine if one blogger should jus come and start toasting babes and we cant gree cuz we're occupied? i'l be vexed!
so, it's all good.
sexy ozaveshe, please stay where you are oh!
but pls, answer my badder sister na, she don beg finish! ignore the yansh she's opened all over her blog. she will wash it afresh for you....

Toluwa said...

hmmm..very interesting! me sef i vex!

ShonaVixen said...

LOL....What are the odds henh?!!LOL..Soon future posts will be about you and linguist...i cant wait (popcorn ready, and perched on the edge of the seat)!!

ShonaVixen said...

am i first o or 60th wiv this blogger approval!!!

princesa said...

Oh my God, this was just too funny,lol!

Male Bloggers, you heard it o...IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

Charity begins at home o!

bumight said...


its a lie!!!

you cannot do anything with him o!!!! I've been saving myself for him!!! and now that i know that he is truly fine, yeeeeeeeee!!! fba no vex!

Tyrex said...

How Romantic...(translated directly into Nigerian...How Ashowoish)

I see you haven't met me yet, na why you feel sey na that dude fine pass...

anyway @Ozaveshe. I sure say you try,..try harder O! cos e don be now!

Updated my blog. Book Excerpt now available.

darkelcee said...


Waohhhh, im speechless.

male bloggers arise and take up your God-given role!

Shubby Doo said...


i read this at work and couldn't stop laughing...

male bloggers badder don talk am well well...wetin una dey wait 4?

badderchic said...

@ Baroque

you don crase, how dare you send the tunda back? tunda faya you taimes t2oo lol

e depend, if the guy sexy I fit no tell anybody o! lol

found? lai lai, Ozavesh na my cousin o! lmfao

@ ~Sirius~

Me sef don dey tink am, no be exactly good idea abi? lol


you dont haf respect again, i am coming to your house to flog you lol you sef sister of person wey don crase finish

you people insult me o! me beg? oya i dont even want again sef.

@ Just...Toluwa

vex o my sister, you suppose to vex.

@ ShonaVixen

seriously that is not such a good idea abi? hot damn, and the boy hot o! well better luck next time.

@ princesa


Charity really does begin at home lol

@ bumight

Sister no vex o! I didnt know, if I had ah! what haf I done? please dont angry, I hereby pass over the 'mercheandise' (ozavesh u no go vex say I call you that o! )

the boy hot sha I no go lie but I no go follow you struggle so make we cast lots. you want Fine Boy Agbero? me I no want that one na my padi, yes im fine but na my padi. Ozavesh fine sef and I want(ed) so make we draw sticks abi?

@ Tyrex

thaank you, me sef know sey I be ashawo lol

who talk sey na im fine pass? oya show yourself to me and me alone then we go now if you hot pass am abi? Ladies dont worry, i will report well well.

oya, who fine pass? you or Oza?

@ darkelcee

psheeew, do they have liver? (thats a challenge)

@ Shubby Doo I wonder o!

Tyger said...


you are hilarious!

i cant wait to see how this goes! lol

so ozaveshe is cute abi?


i wonder if my blog love is cute too!

Naapali said...

E go better, don't worry.

Padosh said...

OMG just discovered ur blog!!! A woman after my own heart!!!!

musco said...

*singing* Psquare's 'dis na temptation .....'

still singing!

bArOquE said...

LYFAO all you go talk! you go just open the boy nyash finish untop this blogsville...Ozavesh, cousin ko uncle ni...who dash monkey eye glass?

Geisha dey craze sha, she talk say you go 'wash the nyash afresh for the bobo'...e don tay wey i hear that king i'm LMFAO for real

InCogNaija said...

lmao! what r the odds of randomly meeting a fellow blogger? and a fine one too?
you know, maybe if i go out a lil bit more, i just might have my very own Bchic-Ozaveshe experience!!! lmao!

Woomie O! said...

GbogboBigGirl, you no know say see-finish dey enter this blogging matter???
It has happened to me before o! this cute to-die-for guy, and he found out about my old blog, it was terrible, he kept asking, 'are those things you said fact/fiction'...I almost lied, needless to say I lost him.
Once a flirt, always a day, our net go catch them a la carte!!!!

Unknown said...

who is cunning linguist?
what does that mean by the way? can i search for it?

Anonymous said...

I will love to meet some of these male bloggers cos the way u're describing them ...ummm

too bad I dont live in Lag

badderchic said...

@ Tyger


me too lol!

the boi fine small sha. wo you never know o!

@ Naapali

abi o, egbon abi o!

@ Padosh

welcome o jere, you sef cute? wait a minute, yo be man? make I go check.

@ musco

with a little confusion yeee

@ bArOquE

okay I no go talk again, I go dey dilute the jist abi?

true o! Oza na my cousin sorry I mean brothers sisters uncles son.

Monkey don go microchip compliant, na contact lens im dey wear now hehehehe

leave dat Geisha, i go treat her fuck up privately. lol

@ InCogNaija

as in me sef fear,
if you go out? they will just see ya yansh finish lol. maybe you should o! actually I could tell you the spot were I ran into him and you just never know ainnit?

@ Woomie O!

gbogbo biggirls o! the tin dey tire me O I no even fit form borra for the boy as in don see finish true trueNo worry jere, if the boy no stay, Im no deserve d babe be that o word!

@ Tisha

you are turning back the hands of time o my sister, i say the boy na sezzy somebory lol okay check the link for my page altho he hasnt blogged in a bit, he used to be one of my fav bloggers back in.

actually he still is.

@Iwalewa McDaniels

sweets, all these bloggers are everywhere meeen!

badderchic said...

@ Tyger


me too lol!

the boi fine small sha. wo you never know o!

@ Naapali

abi o, egbon abi o!

@ Padosh

welcome o jere, you sef cute? wait a minute, yo be man? make I go check.

@ musco

with a little confusion yeee

@ bArOquE

okay I no go talk again, I go dey dilute the jist abi?

true o! Oza na my cousin sorry I mean brothers sisters uncles son.

Monkey don go microchip compliant, na contact lens im dey wear now hehehehe

leave dat Geisha, i go treat her fuck up privately. lol

@ InCogNaija

as in me sef fear,
if you go out? they will just see ya yansh finish lol. maybe you should o! actually I could tell you the spot were I ran into him and you just never know ainnit?

@ Woomie O!

gbogbo biggirls o! the tin dey tire me O I no even fit form borra for the boy as in don see finish true trueNo worry jere, if the boy no stay, Im no deserve d babe be that o word!

@ Tisha

you are turning back the hands of time o my sister, i say the boy na sezzy somebory lol okay check the link for my page altho he hasnt blogged in a bit, he used to be one of my fav bloggers back in.

actually he still is.

@Iwalewa McDaniels

sweets, all these bloggers are everywhere meeen!

badderchic said...

Alas Padosh na woman lmao

Padosh said...

lool Yes o woman but a cute one non d less!!! Ahh see as u "defeminise" me (ewwo see grammer). Pls no pour sand sand for my garri o so me ma il get to meet a cute male blogger ah ah, no b only you like good thing o!!! lol
ehmm ehmm (clears throat) abeg where is cunning linguist? my eye is scratching for naughty gist.

bArOquE said...

...meanwhile, your keeping it real photo still gives me butterfliez!...i say no more

badderchic said...

@ Padosh

No vex babe, I know say you hot! lol We go gight o! already me and Bumight don dey ontop the boy matter, you sef wan join? ta! 3 is already a crowd. lol

@ Baroque

Talk true, you have a crush on me abi?

bArOquE said...

...atink you no go relax until something go do you...Badderchic...leave me oh, make i carry my trouble go


ibiluv said...

oya the cunning linguist ova to you

Naija Idol said...

hewooooo ooooo. chai! badder herself! u don jam again.LOL

ehen all ye male bloggers who claim to be sexy nd those who r too sexy to even mention, FALL OUT!!! na by force o.

exschoolnerd said...

na so e fine u tlk true..i met two bloggers today...eye candy i tell yer!!!

exschoolnerd said...

u sure sey Baroque fine?

Anonymous said...

Oga oooooo! lmaoo this babe your tooo funny! i like your blog! ur a sharp gurl i like dat

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

lol! 2 be honest hooking up for a chat is cool for beyond that, e get as e go be oh. heavy flirty here and there on blogville is allowed. lol! hell! i allow myself.

but badderchic wait oh u mean ozaveshe fine like that? ah ha i shall be a regular visitor from today. u dont mind mi flirtin do u. lol!!!!.

bArOquE said...

@XSN, which kind bad belle you dey carry follow me better recognise, na im make some of us no dey talk...LOL

CaramelD said...

Too funny for words!!!

How come he hasn't replied yet? This is what we are all waiting for!! I will be watching this blog like a hawk!!

N.I.M.M.O said...

Mad funny post Chica!

Hey, why are you ladies all hatin'? No be by force now.

Maybe this will bring back the cunning linguist. At least a rejoinder to your post so we really know what went down.

As for N.I.M.M.O, if my wife hear say I dey even blog penren; then she come and see this your picture so ... in vact, I doesnt know what to talk again.

Chris Ogunlowo said...

Now I'm lost.

Is it cunninlingus that you like or The Cunning Linguist? I see more.

*sharap AlooFar*



you are too much. So the guy fine eh? Good.

I heard of blogger that was ... ah, let me stop before i spill state secrets...


lol @ Aloofar and really were is Ozaveshe? He must come and answer the many questions we all have...

Make I go find im site, just in case...


he hasn't updated since May, I think but his blog is

in case anyone was wondering

Adekunle Shobowale said...

True talk. I'm yet to meet an ugly blogger.I think we're created different.

kay-shawn said...

You're only crazy over cunning linguist because you haven't met me.

Afrobabe said...

OMG...he is cute??? didn't know that...time to bring my stalking mascara out....

see the problem with hooking up with bloggers??? no respect they have seen ur nyash finish....


poeticallytinted said...


Buttercup said...


good luck with him o!

Smaragd said...

U met WHO?! the cunning linguist for real? awwwww, isnt that just sooo cool! and he's cute and sexy et al! I'm sooo jealous badder.

Mz. Dee said...


Dang.. i need to meet more male bloggerz!!!!!!!!