This is NOT a comeback post... now is it?
This is me venting at the ONLY place I know I can...Blogsville.
I was the fool
now Im paying for it.
the plain is unbearable
the silence is deafening
the tears are blinding
the emotions are windy
do I deserve this 'shit'?
yes I do
this is what you get for playing inside potopoto and plenty dirty water.
Am I brave? Yes I am but I for like make person 'cawwy' me O!
Kai! Gaskia no be small tin o!
where is Naapali when u need him?
This is not a comeback post...or is it?
Who says?
I cant express myself saying it exactly as it is?
Who says I should live my life scared?
If GODb4mi...Wu u fit b?
Ragga boi.

Bad guy somebori
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Posted by badderchic at 14:57 20 comments
Sunday, 27 September 2009
An Ode.
Exschnerd introduced me to blogsville.
I loved it.
Everyday after work, I would rush home just coz I wanted to blog, I would turn down dates cuz I wanted to come check up on CWB or Porter what de hell had Ubong written this time? and the Cunning Linguist? Naapali, Geisha?
Even at work I would sneak to blogsville, getting my fix, hiding so as not to get caught by my supervisor.
All that has changed.
I still love you blogsville, but I reckon its time to move on.
I realise that not everyone is as honest as they seem, I mean "why tell complete strangers everything right?" I realise that this is a portal for some to bare it all, I realise that this virtual family have been more family than some with whom we share blood.
together We been through the Tsunamis and the floods, the births and the deaths, the break ups and the marriages, the catfights and the all. friends I have made here, I will never trade. I thank you.
Thank you for loving me just the way i am.
for allowing me be myself through and through
for allowing me live out my fantasies
for allowing me be Bad.
Thank you for listening
for all the advice
for the tears
for the laughs
thank you for not giving me the fire in the pants award
for awarding it to that horrible Baroque.
thank you for always being there
for helping allay my fears.
Me thinks its time to move on.
I will miss you.
and Yes I DO LOVE YOU.
Posted by badderchic at 16:04 14 comments
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Im not that sorry.
I woke up breathless
I hurt yet I wanted more
I couldnt, didnt believe what I had done, remorse? shame?
I screamed and shook and convulsed,I fumed.
hi6 you?
sadly neither.
hi6... I realise now that I DID love you, in my infinite stupidity You ... are a much better man
if I had to choose, I would choose YOU, sadly....
hi6, you make me laugh so hard all I want to do is twitter. you make me hurt so bad all I want to do is beat ya.
You are rude! yet I realise that is your way of being nice, you made me laugh (and Im still trying hard not to say thank you), I hadn't laughed that hard in so long, it was so unstrained... sadly.
ying or yang
lesser of two evils neither.
pure yet bad wrong yet sweet
the best thing I realise is to flee.
Its almost Goodbye Blogsville it has been a pleasure you deserve one more post, Ill call it the Ode.
Posted by badderchic at 17:21 2 comments
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
This blogging thing sef.
The problem is that there is plenty problem.
I will not sit in my swivel chair and act like I couldnt have been blogging in the past month atleast because I could have but I havent gotten round to it.
Me the no 1 runaway soldier as in literally. even now I am supposed to be in some effed up region of this great nation, hoping snakes dont come a'visiting, wanting to get on the road and get the fuck over with already as in seriously get the 'fuck' over with as in we have been dragging this rubbish for too long, I could be staring into space living on golden morn and Kelloggs cornflakes, hoping I dont have to get on the road for an hour and half just to use a fucking ATM but nope, I am sitting here, in my lavacious house, in my swivel chair, in my very cold, nipple hardening room tapping away at my keyboard.
Very simple, I got on the effing plane and came home, no questions. worse still I got on an effing plane and got the Eff out of Naija for a a lil bit, I couldnt stay away for as long as I wanted, damn I couldnt even put pictures up on FB but I sha trafel, cold catch me well well, I came back home and went straight to an Amala joint. nope Afro I wasnt in England lol.
Inbtw there has been two friends weddings, Im planning a bridal shower, getting ready for another friends wedding, working on a MAJOR project and making up and breaking up with one same man. wahala plenty
and Baroque dares accuse me of having fireless pants? dude my panties are like volcanoes always spewing forth man melting lava.
Make una no vex say I no too blog o! Its bad enough that I have to go back to that shithole sooner or later.
Ye I missed you.
Posted by badderchic at 16:31 19 comments
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Putting the cart b4 the horse.
I like Man O!
lol not just the way you thinking, I'm thinking as friends, they do make a whole lot of sense, My closest friends are men... stop calling me a man wrapper jo!
Just sitting here reminiscing University days, the worst times ever, those times I was hot and cold at the same forking time, na woman cause am. accusing me of doing somin I never would have done, somin none of my male friends could ever think of let alone say I did.
emi BAD?
It was either yr 3 or 4, I wasn't much of a party goer in school nope, I just wasnt bothered with all the fake hype ye? was friends with this girl and ended up being friendly with her roomates et al.
Rm had tried to hook me up with her Beau's friend, the guy was single I dont think I was at the time but I wasnt serious or somin I no too remember. I had been talking to the guy and replying his text messages but all that stopped after I saw him once as in YUCK! to be fair to the brother he wasnt ugly, he was just not my type, not interesting, didnt set my blood to boil (and you know how much I crave excitement) anyways moving on.
say 1 or 2 months after that the call came
I remember that particular day
not from the guy but from RM
She wanted to know why the fork I had gone to spend the night at her boy friend's house on Christmas day.
she told me how I had called him to tell him I was in the area and if it was okay to drop by, she said I decided by 10 that my 'cousin' couldnt pick me up and I had to sleep over, how he had decided to sleep on the floor but I had offered the bed and how in the middle of the night I had asked him to fork me...and he had obliged.
I might suffer from Short memory syndrome but it cant be THAT bad, all that activity? e pass say make I no remember. the accusation was too mad, telling me not to even bother denying had her sisters and cousins yelling at me over the phone "dont you dare deny it you bitch" I weak.
for starters even if it was Ms Hyde that dunnit, I know I have NEVER missed christmas with my family. it is a rule wherever you are in the WORLD you are summoned home for christmas whatever the cost...they dont care!
How I wan take start explain am? aha! I remembered one of the guys living in our block had seen me at church that night, ask him! she did I think, cuz after that no more accusations (God punish Devil)
it was stupid I was embarrassed for us all, females.
I had no idea who her bf was, never met him, spoken to him once WHILE SHE WAS IN THE ROOM kai woman?
I think she later found out the guy was just a fuck and had been lying cuz after that she tried to call and apologise without saying sorry just that they had discovered the truth actually i think my friend did the calling, the guys (our friends) were soooo embarrassed about it, my friend was as well I was disgusted, that I was caught up in that kin bullshit, it is common knowledge, I hate rubbish...that was rubbish.
how the hell can a guy (with a history of being a pathological liar) come up with that kin bull and you dont ask? you accuse. why the hell do females put the cart before the horse?
what I hate most is our ability to want to act like nofins wrong, lets move on, "girl Im loving your hair where you do am..." like bitch yesterday I was forking your man today you like my hair? ko ma da fun e! that is it cannnnnnot better for you.
I can NEVER be friends with you. who knows what it would be tomoro?
I havent seen her since, didnt even bother adding her on fb, she always lived a superficial life, me? Im thinking of how to to keep loving and apprecialting my Male friends, few female trustworthy friends and of course get on the next flight so I do YOU!
o Ye... I missed y'all too.
Posted by badderchic at 13:45 25 comments
Thursday, 21 May 2009
You Miss Me?
Good Cuz I missed y'all too.
actually I miss YOU a whole lot but fork you! who needs you right?
as usual my life is a series of amusing events, countless watdaforks? have dropped from my lips trust me, it seems to get more and more interesting everyday yet Im bored...contradictory ye?
By the way I met some Benin guy whos some 12years older and who made me produce more fluids than the damn Atlantic Ocean...pity, I cant even remember the guys name.
Maybe its cuz Im off em effers called Men for now (ye ye Bad make up your mind will ya?)
okay lets get it straight. Remember Mr Man? well we finally finally finally scattered, after alot of false starts, I finally gathered enough 'balls' to look past the fact that he is some cute ass mofo who knows how to bone me right and tell him what a jackass he has been and bitch? Im moving, I had never been so mean to him, maybe if I had been that mean in the past he wouldn't have acted the fool. strolling home today he drove past me, damn my pulse quickened, he didnt see me though, he doesnt even know Im in town, funny funny funny. I have many regrets with him, no one is that I ever was good and that I was there for him a whole lot...he didnt deserve it. Ladies is it me or it seem like we ought not to be nice to em guys? they dont deserve it ye?
Most of all I think I regret not cheating on him when I had the chance, but that one don pass now se? If not for the immense satisfaction I would have gotten from gettin laid by YOU atleast now I would have this smug look on my face thinking 'Bitch I wasnt so faithful to you' ye?
past done past
On a fucking hilarious note, there is this Man hittin on me like whao. been at it for say about 2 -3 months now but has currently intensified these last couple of weeks
Ye he goodlookin
Ye he has shitloads of money (not like that matters with me)
Ye he funny as hell
but follow me and say
Cuz Mad is waaaaaay older, I have no Idea how old he is but I estimate 47-50
if you hear this man over the phone ehn you would this he was some 25 year old with all the talk, innuendos and shit. to be on the safe side (cuz Aristos aint my style), I involved one of my uncles make e no go be say bad dey follow baba rugbo on a coded level.
I have said no in different languages but he aint buyin so I have been adviced to post him like a note, my friend sexy thinks I should Chop his money but Im adverse to that, aint no reason to give him a reason to want to do me bad thing. Vik thinks I shouldn't be worried, He a man I'm a Woman, no long tin, why are you so surprised, you can make your own decisions, fuck him if you want!
Have I told you how much I hate Vik? lol
Its not my style...sorry.
I saw Slumdog millonaire... beautiful movie, saw it with Sexy and Blogger-in-the past. the movie was even more beautiful cuz I snogged thru half of it, you know to keep my mind off breaking it off with Mr Man. lol
How I miss him...You
Fuck Him...YOu
wish I could say I am back fully but y'all know I gotta go back to that fucking place. Ill say this guys keep me going on those really fucked up days. all I have to do is remember one of Afro's or Ibi's exploits or think of how much trouble Baroque caused or Man Cee comin out and I cant help but to smile.
Ye I missed you.
Posted by badderchic at 16:36 13 comments
Saturday, 18 April 2009
What da fork?
Not exactly my close friend,
I dont really do close friends with chics, well, they are few I can talk to and trust CWB, exschnerd and Afro Inclusive
Well sha, just a hi hi jist jist kinda friend
scratch that Acquaintance.
She asked me the question of the century
A threesome!
I felt insulted.
I am so straight you have no idea. and even if I wasn't, even if I did have those tendencies and am willing and ready to explore them...she sorry they are definitely NOT my type.
apparently she and her partner decided I was 'best' for the 'job'
what rubbish!
what am I supposed to do? vie for the role of best supporting actress?
My heart sorry throbbing nethers lie elsewhere, (perhaps far a way in some town four hours away).
I conveniently told her to fork off, really ati iwo ati man e? NOT MY TYPE!
(kinda flattered though) but mostly upset.
now if it were Eva mendez and Denzel Washington asking for a 'crowd'?
I woulda dropped my jeans a long time ago.
As in?
Posted by badderchic at 14:14 31 comments
Thursday, 2 April 2009
I am soo Chicken.
He's not Man enough, he is just not it I'm thinking. he is somebody else s everything but me? nah!
so what do I do about it?
let Mr Mean know the truth, maybe there's still a part of me deep down that wants you to shag me senseless but I really don't see it happening, I apologize. I still want to be friends though, I really have missed your sarcasm and the phone calls.
Call up Mr ex and let him know how I feel about us, I decide some 40 minutes later and tell him as much, we prob should never have had this conversation, there's a reason as to why you are an ex like Ibiluv said.
start droppin hints for Mr gimme those orgasms that are rare, so very hard to find. then decide to say it in not so many words, make up my mind we broken up and then realise y'all men dont even see it till it hit you in the head, i'mma tell you to your face
well thats what I planned to do
till I saw him
He had been ill and I had been ignoring his ass in the pre "i cant do this shit no more" mode
I went all putty
"why didnt you call me, I would have come over, you don chop? if you dont eat how you suppose to regain your strength? why the heck didn't you call me?"
and then I remember, He DID ask me to come over in those series of text messages, I was just sooo cold, I didn't bother responding positively.
My lord, did he look soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute with his shirt in his jeans, i didnt realise he was sooo good looking, I could just kiss him there and then, In traffic, aww baby, sexy as fuck.
we hung out for the better part of the day, I couldnt get my mind/eyes off his dick sorry I meant to say buns...and then we had an argument, stupid ass argument, to which I notice he's having a hard on....
"bitch, does this mean everytime we fight you get hard? cuz I could EASILY start a fight with you EVERYTIME if it means mad make up sex is going doooown abi?"
then I remember that one time he forked me soooo hard I ended up in the closet, we had just had a fight...wait a minute, seems to me like he one sick morafoka.
so he's hard, I'm Horny
lets go back to yours babe
errrm nope
I gasta go see my friends mom, he has a meeting.
what a freaking waste.
I missed him I realise, I missed his crase and the way he makes me laugh no I didnt miss the way he drives me up the wall
suffice to say
I didnt do it.
its your fault blogsville, you told me to hang on to the guy that gives me orgasms
okay its my fault Im the one who's chicken.
whilst I try to gather the liver to bounce
I say this with no shame, not an ounce
Bobs, walahi if u saw me now na to pounce
Im so hot for you scratch that I will pounce
Ill call you whatever name you want all na noun
more importantly Im thinking
"bitch please feel free to make my ass bounce."
Posted by badderchic at 15:12 23 comments
Monday, 30 March 2009
Not Man enough?
"Im going to make you come you know that?"
I knew it, I always came with him, somehow, he just knows how to do me right, Im the chicken, he the TFC.
since we got together its been a roller coaster, he drives me to the wall makes me soo mad.
I almost cheated once
make that more than once.
"Ive missed you babe, you know all I want to hear is those sounds you make when you come for me"
All I want to hear as well is him telling me he just wants to make me come, ask me if it is good for me, "can you feel that? Can you feel me?" like a freaking sledge hammer is wedged into me hell ye!...damn sex with him is off the hook
problem is...he's not man enough for me.
He is just not it.
no disrespect, he's got it going for him, nice job, car, house, almost everything a girl would want in a man and stick in there for but me?
He's not IT
am I asking for too much?
I hate fighting with him but somehow he always makes sure we are having an argument (that how I ended up almost cheating on him) he always tries to start a fight and blows everything outta prorportion.
fuck him!
well I do that already dont I?
"Come here" he says to me I walk to him knowing he has evil intentions towards me he grabs my ass, spanks me hard...
his fingers on my bare cheeks through my shorts, pulls at my g string, I hear the rip before I feel it, once a string, now pieces of rope, he just tore my panties off...Bastard!
My boobs fill his hands he's sucking, nibbling, biting, I'm horny as fuck, I need him to fork me NOW!
"Fork me T, do it, hurry!"
"you want it dont you?"
what a mumu question
he feeds me his lollipop instead,
"choke on it"
I oblige
"turn over, close your eyes"
the first thrust and I fall over, he is ramming into me, fucking piston, I can help it, I don't exactly care there's people in the house at the moment, Im making some horrible noises, i cant recollect half of what I was saying but I am positive "fuck me" was a part of it.
He turns me over and soon enough I'm spread open he is fucking me with abandon, how the hell does he do it? every time he goes in there, he be hittin on my womb. I don't understand the position we are in, all I know is he is ploughing me like a fucking drilling machine
"Im going to come" he says, immediately I stop moving, in my mind I'm thinking for where, you dey crase, I'm not even there yet and you want to come? oloshi
"please dont, wait for me T please'
"girl comon, I cant help it"
"yes you can"
and he did.
he keeps at it, by now he got one leg on his shoulder, the other on the wall, bastard still be hittin on my insides, dont he know it hurts?
"let me ride you"
I get off'a him and look at his dick, its covered in juices, PLENTY of it, dayyum Im horny
"turn around, lemme look at your ass while you ride me"
I grab his joystick and slide it into me, somhow somin Im doin is makin him go crazy and shit, I turn around, he had better be sucking on the twins right now, I grab and squeeze him with my insides, my walls are milking him, my eyes dilated, I couldnt help it now, I felt it coming
"Im coming!"
I shudder like an old engine about to knock, I'm shaking uncontrollably, I cant help it, cant hold back,consumed totally by my climax, temporarily in hibernate mode, all I cant think of right now is catching my breath, I forget, he is not done with me yet, he's moving my ass over his deeck by himself, Im still trying to breathe, he pushes me on my back and he's doing the grand prix in me.
fucker! come quick before you do some major harm.
"Im going to come"
hurry up and come jo idiot! lol
"come for me baby"
"say it, tell me to come inside you"
"come inside, come in me come in my *(&%^&$%^&*&%%%%%********** (too perverted to write)"
He came
rolled over
Im still tryin to catch my breath
why does sex with him have to be this good?
While I was away there was a blogsville idols, it hurt to know I was voted in just one category and I lost to BAroque?
irrespective I appreciate being nominated thank you very much and I congratulate you B on your fire in your pants award. just outta curiosity did anyone vote for me?
on a flip, Im in some measure of deep shit guys
I got a man I don't want to be with anymore
I got another man I been stringing along telling I'm going to fork him when I know full well, its never going to happen
I want to be back with my ex boyfriend like crazy
with all this drama why the hell dem no go call me Chairlady?
Posted by badderchic at 14:25 24 comments
Saturday, 28 March 2009
I Missed Y'all
Although some 2 years or so late,
I Obeyed the Clarion Call
to serve Nigeria is definitely by force
I represented at camp, Badderchic...
I refused to join those stupid ass people who shagged in the field, what rubbish, If I'maa do it standing, I would rather do it with style abi? not with insects crawling up ma juicy ass
plenty suffer
plenty soldiers
plenty waka
plenty vexing
Plenty winches
under the sun AND in the rain
horny as hell
nearest shag was thousands of miles away
was constantly too tired to think about a 'do it yourself'
50 50 hunches
roll in the mud
a crush who is getting married in 3 weeks (DAYYUM!)
Woman no fit piss for bottle
corper wey marry corper go born monkey
sucking the breast of philomena...
aids no dey show for face
Nebucadnezer with im belle
e begin waka waka waka
Kilimanjaro we must go...
uneducated soldiers chasing me with whips... one in particular my future gateman by the grace of God so I can send him to buy me Always sanitary pad.
I missed y'all
... I missed Baroque. lol
camp is over
I'm back in one piece.
I need to go get laid!
Posted by badderchic at 14:14 26 comments
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Off for a bit...
No I'm NOT leaving Blogsville,
just going on a trip, albeit late its better now than never.
Off to some Eastern state for NYSC.
I have been told to learn the words for Cutlass, Kill and Soup so once I hear those words... I RUN! I have heard they eat people in some parts...Bullocks they just trying to scare my juicy ass.
I am scared this is my first time (Im kinda a Gidi chic thru and thru) but still open for the adventure
Feel free to still drop your comments even if you don't see them immediately as the Dam of comments burst forth when I return in three weeks.
I miss you guys Already!
My flight is in the morning e gbadura fun mi o!
I promise not to do anything illegal or disgusting in camp.
await my stories y'all!
Posted by badderchic at 23:50 39 comments
Sunday, 22 February 2009
So I decided to put Baroque up for sale afterwards,
Only because I am very very nice and I feel the urge to do something good.
why monopolize the brother?
I mean why spoil his market? its not a finders keepers thingzz.
So in a bid not to be greedy I have decided to CHANGE MY MIND.
I'm allowed to, that's why I'm Badder! lol
Lets the Games continue!
Happy new week guys!
Posted by badderchic at 14:26 22 comments
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Bragging Rights.
Posted by badderchic at 15:34 25 comments
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Getting Warmer.
Afro has banned me from going private so has another blogger that means alot to me, you know yourself madam so lets see what y'all think. vote and lets see. Btw this is hazardous on a Monday Morning, enjoy it.
I woke up at that point dayyum I must have been dreaming, dreaming that baroque was about to fork me from the back. what a horrid dream I thought, horrid, yet, I could taste him, taste that sweet kiss still but I thought that was a dream abi wasnt it?
not too much time to think cuz my phone vibes at my side, I look at it 7 missed calls, dayyum whats up with people? cant a girl sleep in peace although that dream wasnt so peaceful now was it?
unknown number, who the hell is this I'm thinking? no need to think too much its ringing again I pick it up
Badder hi, been trying to reach you
sorry who is this?
I'm FBA's friend, he gave me an address to pick you up from, he says he was meant to pick you but he's stuck in the mainland traffic are you still on the island
okay I'll be there in seven minutes, been in the area.
K. i hung up
fucking guy that FBA i'll kill him when I see him, I will. off to the bath to pee, wash up, wash my face, just out when I hear Haruna my cousin's gateman at the door
Aunty...Aunty fadder someone dey pind you o!
you father! na me you dey call fadder?
Madam no vesk.
let him in.
I get to the door and he walks in FBA's friend. he looks oddly familiar I think I know him but from where?
nice... your place
thanks but not mine, I'm just house sitting
Im badderchic...badderchic the chairlady
whats your name?
he walks to the door and locks it, takes out the key and puts it in his pocket and then I see it, his identification seal, a proof to who he really is...
a bright red HELMENT
O my... Baroquey?
he walks to me and kisses me stupid, hard fast ruthless
then he slows it down then I realise, Im kissing him back!
that's for all those times you made me want you bad, for all those teasing mind boggling messages.
Im not sorry for them baroquey.
no wonder he looked so fucking familiar, he was the same man from my dreams.
he lifted me up and places me on the granite dining table, thank goodness my cousin wasn't listening to me all those days I was protesting against granite.
what are you doing I ask him?
what does it look like?
he peels off my jeans and kisses my stomach
I shiver
Baroque...what...wait...what are you doing?
what the fork does it look like? I'm about to pitch a fucking tent
NO! Im not comfortable with...I'm...see...I mean...oooo...Yes!
his head buried between my thighs, I'm singing the Greek, Bulgarian, German and Kenyan National anthems
Yes Bad?
are you going to make me touch my toes? be continued.
Posted by badderchic at 16:40 32 comments
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Getting warmed up.
So pending when I really sort out the rubbish technicalities that comes with the territory, I have reopened the blog for y'all. send me your email addresses so I can invite you and Afro I go try sort out the wahala with commenting as soon as I find the time. devour.
What are you doing here? how did you find me? I knew you were in Gidi but how? I mean who told you where to find me? who I was? am? what my real name is? exschnerd? Chari? FBA? Princessa? who?
What does it matter?
Im perplexed, shocked is an understatement and you are soo, sooo sexy.
Badd I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time
what moment?
the moment when I finally get to fork your brains out
Cmon you know you dont really wanna do you?
what? after all the teasing, the taunting, the trails of messages, always leaving me with a hard on.
But Baroquey, I was just fucking with you
Ye thats what I want to be doing fucking with you. By the way whats with this guy Man Cee?
Cmon Baroquey, he is...he is...
Just another guy that turns you on?
I cant deny it Baroquey but its you who turns me on the most, i fear. sometimes gettin up from my chair whenever I read you? impossible, Im always too turned on, I just want to explode for you Baroquey, so errm would you make me explode for you? ehn?
Would you like me to Badder?
very much.
Kiss me badder
you taste good now...
turn around, bend over...touch your toes.
to be continued.
Posted by badderchic at 14:48 23 comments
Labels: ye right
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Going Private.
I'm sorry Guys but I have to do this.
Blogsville sure has changed. It used to be a loving community.
I mean I cried when CWB left, Porter and Yosh where dem dey? It hurts Ubong Da doent update often anymore.
The things pple use Blogsville for now? appalling.
I stumbled upon a blog where the author specialises in putting up pictures of who is sleeping with who. Maybe I did not understand the blog well but what I understood? I was dissapointed.
Their business who is shagging who, I have more issues in my life. but then agin, maybe I did not understand the blog well.
Gone are those days where I was always looking forward to a gazillion comments. I no need am.
I have made wonderful friends to last a lifetime here, I am fulfilled with the few friends, I cherish their advice, support, love, attention.
Once I have figured it out, I go Private.
Those of you I love, Cherish come with me.
More jist soon.
Posted by badderchic at 06:20 60 comments
Friday, 9 January 2009
Am I insane?
I picked out my wedding gown today,
e be like say I don crase.
My friend TS is a designer, I had gone over to his in the evening and said jokingly "TS I wan sew dress" its a recurring joke that came from this girl he jisted me about that had sewn her dress in faith.
"Ha stop laughing o! Bad, she is getting married o!"
how? I ask
She met some guy who is begging to marry her, big boi, oil company yadi yadi ya!
I wonder who is laughing now? the girl wey trust God sew dress down or me wey dey laff am?
My friend TS encouraged me to look through the dresses on the laptop, I fell in love with one.
BEAUTIFUL, Simple, Nice, Just like me.
We proceeded to talking about my plans, what I had in mind, while we were jisting two girls join us, they are picking out dresses as well, gettin married April and May respectively.
"Are you getting married" one of them ask me
"yes she is" TS answers on my behalf
Im sniggering, cant control my laughter
She hears my plans and is asking for an IV on the spot.
"they are not ready yet" TS tells her
she says once its out, I should Pass one to her, when is it she asks
"We are looking at August" TS answers I was besides myself with laughter.
they left, I felt stupid, It felt felt as though I was doing what I was meant to be doing, picking a dress, bouquet, bridesmaids dress, cake, Iv's Program the works.
It felt sooo right.
3rd Day of 2009
I met Mr Man, its scary we have so many things in common down to we use the same type of phone, studied the same course, go the same places, listen to the same people, have the same dream car, wore the same type of wrist watch! and we just met. ITS SO FREAKING SCARY!
I dont feel wrong at all, chics you know that thing you feel at the back of your mind telling you "but but but", well aint no buts wit this one, for the first time NO BUTS!
He thinks I'm all that and a bag of chips...who me?
Well...I am.
I think he is exciting, and a complete gentleman.
God is shocking me already this 2009 O!
If Im wrong well shit happens, God has a bigger plan for us all.
If I'm not then this would be a story to tell.
Wrong or right God has a plan for me.
My only worry is how my moms will pronounce his name, he isn't Yoruba.
Whichever ways I'm going to take TS's advise and not doubt the almighty.
peoples am I insane? am I losing it? Am I normal? what is wrong with me? I never ever even thought seriously about settling down. I was always just willing to have fun, the next crush, the next Shag, and now I'm picking out a dress am I completely losing it?
where is Naapali when you need him?
I'm off to write my wedding program.
Posted by badderchic at 15:45 44 comments
Labels: peraps yaba left
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Thank You.
Dear Lord,
I appreciate
Say I enter '09
Some Started the journey before us, others with us, some others after us
they haven't made it this far.
For all the pain I thank you, for it is just a reminder that no matter how many times I fall, you are there to pick me up.
For the extreme joy, I thank you, for it is a reminder that only you can make me soooo happy.
For your gifts to me I thank you, for it is a reminder that amidst the millions, billions on the earth, you still remember me
For that which you have done I thank you, for that which you have promised to do I thank you.
You ARE the awesome wonder.
For my Family and Friends, for My acquaintances and colleagues, for my blogsville family whom I love ever so much...I thank you for it is a reminder that you have surrounded me with wonderful people to make my passage on this earth a wonderful experience.
Who is like unto thee? how can I measure how much you mean to me? How can I say thank you?
All glory ALL honour ALL power be unto you O lord Forever and ever.
Surely I will trust you, Surely you will send me Help from your sanctuary, Surely 2009 will be my best year YET.
Glory Be to your Name, Oyigiyigi, Oba Ogo, Lion of Judah, Rose Of Sharon, Prince of Peace, lily of the Vally, Jehovah El Shaddai, Kingi Kingi, Balm Of Gilead, My Saviour, My life.
Posted by badderchic at 14:47 28 comments